Experiments |
Aims |
Methods |
Findings |
Evaluations |
Harlow 1962 Against: Learning Theory |
Investigate Rhesus monkeys’ behaviours towards different “mothers”. |
Let the infant Rhesus monkeys choose between a “clothed” and a feeding mother. |
Attachment is not based on the supply of food. |
Neither feeding nor physical contact could explain attachment and healthy development. |
Schaffer and Emerson 1964 Against: Learning Theory |
Investigate infants’ attachment formed with different characters. |
Observing infants’ attachment between different characters. |
Infants formed attachment not only with people who provided food. |
N/A |
Konrad Lorenz 1952 Support: Innate Programming |
Investigate goslings on imprinted behaviours. |
Compare one group with natural mother and the other with Lorenz himself. |
Goslings formed an attachment with Lorenz as he was the first living thing they saw after hatched. |
N/A |
Rutter et al 1998 Against: Critical Period |
Investigate adopted infants’ attachments after being raised in an institution. |
N/A |
The later the infants adopted the slower their progress. |
Sensitive period is better described development of attachment instead of critical period. |
Hazan and Shaver 1987 Support: Continuity Hypothesis |
Investigate effects of early attachment on further relationship. |
Volunteer sampling asking about early attachment type and romantic attitude. |
Securely attached as infants had happy and lasting love relationships. |
Participants selected by volunteer sampling could not represent most of the people. |
Ainsworth 1974 Maternal Sensitivity |
Investigate effects of primary caregivers on attachments of infants. |
N/A |
Infants who had responsive mothers tended to have secure relationship. |
N/A |
Kagan 1982 Temperament Hypothesis |
N/A |
N/A |
Infants’ attachments may vary according to their personality. |
N/A |
Van IJzendoorn and Kroonenburg 1988 Cross-cultural variations |
Investigate whether it’s appropriate to use the Strange Situation in parts outside America. |
Meta-analysis of 32 studies undertaken in 8 different countries. |
Type A, B, and C. Japan: 5, 27, 68 Germany: 35, 8, 57 Numbers differ from different culture backgrounds |
N/A |
Takahashi 1990 Cross-cultural variations |
The same as above. |
Using the Strange Situation on 60 Japanese middle-class infants and mothers. |
Type A, B, and C. 0, 68, 32 Because of the way mothers give care to their infants. |
90% of participants are forced to stop because they are too stressed. Middle-class infants can’t represent all infants. |
Bowlby 1969 Monotropy |
N/A |
N/A |
Infants need one specific attachment in order to develop an internal working model and emotional maturity. |
Infants have attachments with many caregivers can still develop into healthy adults. (Thomas 1998/ Ainsworth 1967/Schaffer and Emerson 1964.) |
Learning Theory Classical: Pavlov Operant: B.F Skinner |
Classical: US→UR US + CS→UR CS→CR |
Operant: Infant ↹ (Primary reinforcer) + Secondary reinforcer |
N/A |
Feeding is not the primary explanation of building attachment. (Harlow/ Schaffer and Emerson) |
Evolutionary Theory Bowlby 1969
Innate programming (social releasers) Critical period Continuity hypothesis |
N/A |
Innate programming and continuity hypothesis were supported. (Lorenz/ Hazan and Shaver) |
Sensitive period instead of critical period. (Rutter) |
The Strange Situation Ainsworth and Bell 1970 A- Insecure-avoidant B- Secure C- Insecure-resistant |
Infants with strangers, mums, or alone. Type A, B, and C. 20-25, 60-75, 3. |
Separation anxiety Stranger anxiety Reunion behaviours Willingness to explore |
Good predictive validity. |
Caused stress to infants. Artificial environment? Demand characteristics. Cultural variations. Aim on relationships? (Main and Weston) Effect of enviroments. |
Separation Case Study Robertson and Robertson 1989 John |
Investigate John’s behaviours after spending nine days in a nursery. |
Became more withdrawn and despairing. Rejected his mother when reunited. PDD Model. |
Short-term separation could have an effect throughout one’s life. |
N/A |
PDD Model Robertson and Bowlby 1952 |
Short-term effects of deprivation were split into 3 stages. |
Protest: Infants expressed emotions by crying, kicking, clinging to their moms, or screaming. |
Despair: Infants calm down, showing lack of interest to people and environment around. |
Detachment: Infants’ interactions increase but superficially. Little initial reactions when mothers returned. |
Institutionalization/ Privation Hodges and Tizard 1989 |
65children put in an institution before the age of 4 months. Examined when they were 4, 8, and 16 years old. There was a control group raised at home. |
Age 4/8: No deep relationships and are attention seeking. Age 8: ex-institutional kids formed close attachments. Still are attention seeking. |
Age 16: Adopted kids formed closer relationships than restored kids. Both had less peers, likely to be bullies and quarrelsome. |
Big samplings. Interviews were taped. Carefully matched the control group. No controls on experiences faced by kids Ethical issue to intrude in families. |
Institutionalization Rutter et al 2007 |
Study adopted Romanian orphans. |
The effect of privation could recover well. |
Children adopted after age of 6 months showed disinhibited attachments. |
Privation Case Study 1 Curtiss 1977 Genie |
Found when she was 13, kept in a small room, never talked to others. |
Lack of language ability. Learned some words but can’t form sentences. |
Learned to walk and became toilet trained. Progress on non-social skills. |
Brain damage was shown. (Lenneberg 1967) Privated. |
Privation Case Study 2 Koluchova 1976 The Czech Twins |
Being abused for 6 years before adopted by siblings at the age of 7. |
Rickets, communicate with gestures, no spontaneous speech. |
Formed normal relationships with adoptive families and partners. |
No brain damage. Privated. |
Reactive attachment disorder Parker and Forrest 1993 |
Lack long-term friends and ability to give/receive affection, cruelty to others, extreme control problems, abnormalities in eye contact/speech patterns, and lying/stealing. |