我剛不經意找到您這個blog,之前中英對照的文字版本是友人傳給我的,我每次聽這篇演講時,都有聽到以下這段,然而朋友傳的英文文字版卻沒有這段文字:Because believe in the dots will connect down the road, will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn path, and that would make all the difference. 中文翻釋也沒有,我很久以前試很多次在網路上找這樣的譯本都沒找到,今天有緣逛到您的blog,您這段翻譯得很棒,在此跟您說聲謝謝!
一、 學校教科書之外,有許多其他方式可以接觸、學習歷史,例如書籍、小說、文學、電影、博物館、甚至動漫等。這類課外文本不但常讓人津津有味,甚至可在內心引發莫大的悸動。你是否曾經感受到學習歷史時的悸動?在怎樣的情境之下?請以自己的經驗,撰寫一篇600字內的短文。
二、 當你讀一本歷史書,讀到書中的古人面臨重要的抉擇關頭時,請你這時立刻把書蓋上。好好想一想,如果你身處對方的位置時,你會如何決定?作什麼樣的決定?把一切都想清楚後,再把書打開,看看這個人物是怎麼做的,他最後作了什麼樣的決定?他的決定帶來的是成功或是失敗?原因何在?然後比較自己與古人,在選擇和方法上有何異同之處?請以800字為限,以實例說明你個人擁有的這種讀書經驗。
三、 “Responding to the call for a public future demands some rethinking the way we look at the past… But answering the call for a public future also means writing and talking about the past and the future in public, in such a way that ideas can be easily shared. We believe that this dedication to the public heralds three new trends in the writing of history: first, a need for new narratives capable of being read, understood, and engaged by non-experts; second, an emphasis on visualisation and digital tools; and third, a fusion between the big and the small, the ‘micro’ and the ‘macro’, that harnesses the best of archival work on the one hand and big picture work about issues of common concern on the other.” (Jo Gouldi& David Armitage, The History Manifesto, 2014, pp. 117-118) 這是晚近兩位學者對史學的看法,請仔細閱讀之後,以其內容為基礎,討論這是否是你或妳所想投身四年學習的理想?文長限1000字。